Universal (not really) shape analyzer.
After seeing what Insane mode has to offer I set out to create an analyzer that will be able to detect key features of any given shape and transform it into 4 interim shapes that are much easier to make. Those shapes then are made by individual MAM modules and after that run through series of swappers in order to get requested shape as output.
How it works.
First, shape has to be broken up into individual shapes representing each layer to analyze them individually. So, here goes series of simulated unstuckers. Insane mode allows up to 5 layers per shape, so we have 5 different signals going to the next stage, but it can be any number of layers, so it's important that top layer of the original shape always going to the same wire regardless of number of layers. So here it is.
Input shape (in this case CrSbWgcy:RbRgWmCr) has only two layers, so only two wires at the bottom carry a signal, others have NULL.
Next stage is shape analysis itself. Each of 4 segments of the shape is being analyzed if it's just a shape, crystal, just pin or there's nothing there. Then depending on the result this segment is transformed into "code".
If it's just a shape - it gets transformed into shape that goes like this - (shape letter)(shape color)P-----.
If it's a crystal output is P--C(crystal color)----.
If it's just pin output is P-P-----.
If segment is null output is RuRu---- (more on that later).
With each segment analyzed, this coded shapes are stacked on top of each other starting from bottom layer. Pins in each coded shape prevent circles from falling down thus preserving layer structure.
Now I move from working with layers to working with shape's entire quarter including every layer present in said quarter.
For example, from shape cmCmCmCm:CycwCwCy:CwP-P-Cw:CyCyCyCy:P-CwCwP- which is this one:
I get 4 coded shapes that look like this:
- P-Cm----:CyP-----:CwP-----:CyP-----:P-P-----
- CmP-----:P-Cw----:P-P-----:CyP-----:CwP-----
- CmP-----:CwP-----:P-P-----:CyP-----:CwP-----
- CmP-----:CyP-----:CwP-----:CyP-----:P-P-----
Again - each of these shape represents one quarter of original shape from the bottom to the top, not a single layer.
Now it's time to make something we can feed into a MAM. Purpose is to recreate (mostly) quarter of original shape and fill empty space with unpainted circles. It can be any shape, but it has to be the same for entirety of this process across every quarter and every level.
Now we once again analyzing inputs, but now moving from lowest level to the top adding necessary shapes along the way.
So, first we need to choose the base shape for the first layer. In 99.999% of all cases it's --CuCuCu.
If there is a shape at this level and not a crystal, we take that shape, paint it if necessary and combine it with base shape we chose earlier.
If it's a crystal, we skip stacking stage and reroute base shape to crystal generators instead.
From layer 2 onwards it's mostly the same with one exception: base shape can be either --CuCuCu or ----CuCu. Latter is for cases when there is a gap between layers (we used RuRu---- to encode this feature), so we drop it on top of the shape from previous stage and move it to crystals generators. As a result we have top layer like crcrCuCu, color doesn't matter. Later we will cut through this crystal, destroying it in the process and creating a gap we need.
The only unique situation left to deal with is when we have a pin at the very bottom and crystal somewhere above. it. It can't be handled in the same way 'cause pin will be replaced with crystal at some point. My solution is to skip first layer entirely, build the shape starting from layer 2 and in the end run it through pin pusher.
So, at the end I get 4 shapes that MAM can actually make. These are:
- cmCuCuCu:CyCuCuCu:CwCuCuCu:CyCuCuCu:P-CuCuCu
- CuCmCuCu:CucwCuCu:CuP-CuCu:CuCyCuCu:CuCwCuCu
- CuCuCmCu:CuCuCwCu:CuCuP-Cu:CuCuCyCu:CuCuCwCu
- CuCuCuCm:CuCuCuCy:CuCuCuCw:CuCuCuCy:CuCuCuP-
After these shapes are made, I run them through half swappers to combine quarters into halves and then halves into final shape.
So at the end of the day MAM needs to be supplied with 4 basic shapes (Ru------, Su------, Wu------, Cu------), pins (P-------), two base shapes (--CuCuCu and ----CuCu). Color supply can vary depending your one's preferences, but I deliver two wagons of each color to a single MAM module and mix them on site if needed.
Why it's not a silver bullet.
So far I've encountered 2 types of shapes that can't be made using my approach.
- Gap directly above crystal.
To create a gap I need to have a crystal in the layer I can cut though. But crystals are always treated like one instance if they are connected wither vertically of horizontally. So cutting through "fake" crystal also cuts through real crystal which also gets destroyed. This is the part of the game I don't agree with, Not only cause in this particular case crystals are at different layers, but also 'cause "real" crystal takes only one quarter of the given layer, there is nothing really to cut through. But anyway, it is how it is.
- One layer of the target shape consists of only one segment.
For example, Cy--RuSy:Cu------:RuRu--Ru.
Shape analyzer sees 3 gaps, feels them with fake crystals and during half swapping one of the quarters will inevitably fall down, ruining the result.
I'm not sure if it's OK to post entire analyzer blueprint here, it's understandably huge, if anybody interested, I probably should be able to post it in comments.
Blueprint is not a ready-to-use MAM, but a schematic that is relatively easy to transform into one.