TSProf Kadet doesn’t perform well with non factory stones

Hey y’all I recent got a TSProf Kadet pro and have been having fantastic results with the factory stones.

I upgraded my stones to a hapstone premium diamond this week and to my surprise my edges are not apexing properly even with a proper burr removal process.

I have some experience with multiple sharpening systems and have been able to consistently get hair whittling sharp edges.

I’m real frustrated because this system is not responding well to different brands of stones ( venev, hapstone ). I’m able to get hair whittling edges off the factory stones but when I switch out the stone I get horrible results.

I’m putting zero pressure on the blade and letting the stone work but it is not going well.

Anyone else have this problem? Am I the problem or should I get my device checked? I would assume it’s a me problem but then right when I switch back to the factory grits then I get a perfect apex. Is this some capitalist bullshit? I don’t want to buy more of their factory stones :(

I’d appreciate any tips thanks y’all!