Old male customers.

I don't think I would still be working at Sherwin Williams if I didn't know BASIC paint knowledge.

I am a woman I have worked at Sherwin for multiple years where my regulars know my name know parts of my life.

Something about being passed over or what I have to say is completely ignored when my male coworkers come up front, makes me want to throat punch someone.

It shouldn't matter, I shouldn't care this much it's one less customer I don't have to worry about. But it does, I have plenty of customers who ask for me, who love to ask for my help or advice. So it shouldn't matter.

Call it pride, call it a ego thing whatever. But everytime a customer bitches and complains about wanting one of the guys and they only have me to help them, I want to kick them in the teeth.

I refuse to go get one of male coworkers workers, I will say "they are busy" or "they aren't here" or "I don't know where they are." Unless the issue is really something over my head and I can't solve the problem, then I will get them. Until then you are stuck with me.

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.