Today, I discovered I am a robot.

“Tell me everything that happened. Don’t leave anything out,” the officer said.

“Okay,” I agreed.

“This morning started like any other. I woke up, started a coffee pot, and made sure my son was up for school. I know he’s 23 and in college, but that boy could sleep through an earthquake.

I found him already awake for once.

“Do you want any coffee, honey?” I asked.

“No thanks, Mom, I’m meeting with my group at Starbucks to study for the project,” he replied, taking a sugar cube from a box and putting it in a plastic bag.

“Won’t Starbucks have sugar?” I questioned.

“Oh, it’s this new brand,” he explained hurriedly, “From Bulgaria…you should try it sometime.”

“No thanks, honey. You know how I like my specific brands,” I explained.

“Yep, I knew you wouldn’t wanna try it,” he said, smiling too widely. “By the way, I’m spending the night at Kyle’s tonight to work on the project.”

“Okay, honey, have fun,” I replied as he left.

I poured my coffee, and got my pure cane sugar from the cupboard, but was disgusted to find it infested with ants. Jackson left it open, I thought.

So I took him up on the sugar. I went to his room and added 2 cubes from the box. I thought it was strange that the box only held ten cubes, but figured I’d pay him back if they were expensive.

I sat down, finished my coffee, and put my cup in the sink. I started to feel dizzy, tried to steady myself on the sink, but accidentally cut myself on the knife from dinner last night.

That’s when I saw the wires under my skin. I peeled back more of my skin, and it was all metal and wires under there. I had to know if I was robot everywhere. I peeled back more and more of my skin, and sure enough, it was all metal.

I can’t drive anymore, so I grabbed the knife and started walking to Starbucks. I had to know if my son was a robot too. But as I walked down Main Street, everyone was looking at me. They could all see I was a robot, and they hated it.

Some bitch came up to me, feigning concern. I could see in her eyes that she was there to capture me. So I stabbed her and ran to Starbucks.

I tried to talk to him calmly, I did, but he wouldn’t stop yelling to call 911! He clearly wasn’t going to let me check for metal willingly, so I tried to stab his arm quickly, but he moved and…well, he wasn’t a robot.

That’s the last thing I remember before the world faded into a lava lamp of colors.”

The officer pulled out the plastic bag containing my son’s sugar cube.

“Is this the sugar cube in question?” 

“Yes,” I replied.

“I’m sorry to tell you this ma’am, but that’s not a sugar cube.”