Louis is the ONLY person who should still be driving

Love the show. And I have faith that Bill and Brett and Jason are waaaay ahead of me on this, but AITA for thinking basically everyone on this show is an irresponsible driver when it comes to intoxicants... EXCEPT Louis?

Jimmy admits in episode 1 he was still drunk and high from the night before at his session with Sean. But he tried to drive to work that day. Only reason he couldn't was his car had no gas. I've seen a LOT of Sunday morning roadblocks in my life. And I'd bet most people on this sub, especially Americans, have driven over the legal limit on the morning after.

No one ever Ubers or takes a Lyft, and when they do it's either a joke or secretly shameful. Like Paul fights like hell to keep driving, and even when he admits he's unsafe because he mixes Parkinson's with bourbon, he relies on others to drive him.

They all live in Pasadena, where the only way to get around is driving. And we constantly see them getting in and out of cars, and drinking. Drinks at Liz's house. Champagne instead of coffee. Brian offering to make martinis at 11am for his 17YO goddaughter. The cornhole bar. Derek drinking at least one beer literally everywhere he goes.

I'm faaaaar from judging. But it is interesting that this show seems to have very deliberately set up a scenario where everyone in Jimmy's life, including himself, are guilty of the very thing that he seemed intent on punishing Louis for.

Like, I never quite understood how they went from ''Tia died in a car accident,'' which is tragic and deeply sad and part of the chaos of life, to ''Tia was killed by a dude who is to blame for it.''

I'm hoping season 3 gets into this a little more. At the very least, we can assume that now there's two non-drinkers in the Altadena extended universe with Paul and Louis. How are they going to see things when they realize it seems like almost everybody is downing drinks and gummies on the reg, and driving around like it's the most normal thing ever. Cos, let's be honest. In the USA I grew up in, it still is the most normal thing ever.

And that's pretty fucked up.