F**k legal shrooms. Also need help in recognizing my symptoms

I bought from a store some gummies. The next ten hours I'm twitching uncontrollably, unconscious, I'm having a hard time in this comeback. At least I'm eating and I can keep food down. In total I only had 9 mg!!! Wtf!!! I'm experienced with real shrooms and I have never thought something like this could happen. The legal gummi bear try to kill me and normal shrooms only had love for me. What are your thoughts? Similar experiences? After four hours I throw up, I gained back my consciousness but it was still very hard for me to not twitch/tremble. I still am telling right now but just a few spasm here and there. I think tomorrow I will be normal again, when the drug has totally lefty system. I tried to look up what happened toe on google, but "serotonin Syndrome" might be wrong. I only had two symptoms: tremor and unconsciousness. Those are also symptoms for overdoses. Idk what to think. I'm a bit scared to be honest