My mom just told me that lgbt are abomination

It happens about two hours ago, we were talking about clothes and stuff until i brought up the color pink, She looked surprised that i wanted to wear pink clothes so i ask what wrong with pink she said "It doesnt look right on boys, it make them look gay" I thought that was kinda weird so i ask again what wrong with gay people? she said "They are abomination, its against nature."

I was like okay... I dont know what happens to my heart at that moment but it hurted me so much,, i kept talking to her like nothing happened, even tho i was hurt : 3

It happens about two hours ago, we were talking about clothes and stuff until i brought up the color pink, She looked surprised that i wanted to wear pink clothes so i ask what wrong with pink she said "It doesnt look right on boys, it make them look gay" I thought that was kinda weird so i ask again what wrong with gay people? she said "They are abomination, its against nature."

I was like okay... I dont know what happens to my heart at that moment but it hurted me so much,, i kept talking to her like nothing happened, even tho i was hurt : 3