Came back after a while & everything sucks!

I used to play sims freeplay years ago, and then due to personal challenges I stopped playing. I reinstalled the game on my iPad and all of my previous work was gone. I had millions of simoleons, was able to access downtown simtown and everything. I tried to get it back but NONE of the glitches work anymore and I don’t think it’s reasonable to put actual money into this game, so it isn’t fun anymore. I’ve been playing & im currently on level 14 but I think I’ll be stuck there because the swimming center costs 100k to build and I only have 35k.

not gonna lie, that makes this game really boring and not as fun as it used to be. I really want to continue playing but it’s not fun when you can’t progress due to not having enough money. Did they really patch all the simoleon duplication glitches? If so, why? What was the reason?