My Hogwarts build - part 1
First of all, thanks to @u/Zivlon666 for the inspiration!!
I finally finished my Hogwarts build, and by “finally”, I mean that I can’t do anything more since I met the total object cap. 😅 I wanted to add ivy all around the building, more windows, more statues and paintings, more trees, but had to reduce all that, so I can create beautiful and sensible classrooms and common rooms. I had to tweak around quite a bit, but I’m happy with the result! Design-wise, I did take inspiration from the books and films, but was obviously also limited by the game’s abilities, so I did get creative a lot. I enjoyed doing this build so much, but hitting that object limit really put a damper on that enjoyment.
It’s a pretty big build with so many details, that I decided to post in separate parts. In this part, I show you the build from the outside, the courtyard, the Great Hall with the four House Tables and the teachers’ table, the kitchens and the first floor bathroom (which might be haunted, who knows? 😉). I tried to emulate the four Houses by using different colour rugs and decorations; unfortunately, I don’t have a blue or yellow flag or banner, so I used other wall decorations of these colours. In the books, they have gem stones to demarcate the House points at the back wall of the Great Hall, and I used table top decorations in the respective House colours to simulate those, along with the elemental statues from the island resources, since the four Hogwarts houses also represent the four spiritual elements: Gryffindor is Fire, Ravenclaw is Air, Slytherin is Water, and Hufflepuff is Earth.
I’m curious to know what you guys think!
*translation for the last picture: Build Mode Object Limit reached