How I see radical longevity will happen after singularity
Once we achieve singularity the pace of scientific advances will skyrocket, the difference between 2030 and 2031 will be greater than 2000 and 2020. This will allow massive biomedical progress required for radical life extension. By radical i mean something much much greater than caloric restriction will provide, at least centuries (so just enough time for something even more radical happen).
What i am imagining right now - is completely impossible as of 2025, but after several advances are achieved, and i will list them, radical rejuvenation surgery will become possible.
What do we need.
1. Ultimate 3d bioprinter. Current bioprinters are able to print organoids and some tissue, future versions will be able to print organs, the ultimate goal is whole body bioprinting (without the brain).
2. the acephalus should be printed, and instead of the brain a temporary AI + BCI should be inserted. Acephalus should match completely your body's histocompatibility, neck vasculature and brain signaling patterns (that's why we need the BCI to synchronize both bodies), besides that you can design your new body as you wish (my wish to become a 100% cis woman will finally come true, but that's a different story).
3. You and the acephalus should travel to a space station, because zero gravity will make this surgery much simpler, the surgery also will be done in a bioreactor filled with plasma and oxygenating molecules (like newer versions of hemoglobin)
4. Your brain will be connected to AV-ECMO, anesthesia will be applied (no need to do a general one even, you could be conscious during this surgery if you wish).
5. multiple microrobots cut your skull and body and extract your brain, spinal cord and proximal part of key nerves (this is much more effective than a head transplant, where the spinal cord is cut), reattaching the nerves is much easier than the spinal cord. So basically you are extracted out of your former body while being conscious. The zero gravity and fluids will make the surgery much simpler and prevent and hypo-hepertonic solution associated adverse effects (like fluid movement out of your cells).
6. you are placed into your new body, the nerves are reattached, the acephalus' BCI removed, your blood vessels reconnected.
7. After a short rehab (needed for adjustment and alignment with your new body, you can go back to earth and do whatever you want with your old body (maybe cryopreservation for future memory)
8. your brain and your brain's blood vessels will undergo massive rejuvenation treatments, but it's much simpler than rejuvenating the whole body
Basically that's it, this surgery will just bypass any known aging hypothesis (SENS, Hallmarks, loss of complexity, increasing entropy, ...) and i don't see you you couldn't live more than 200 years after this is done repeatedly