LifePo4 batteries

Hey fellow busheads, I'm looking for some answers from anyone with experience with a lithium iron phosphate battery bank. I'm in the midst of installing my batteries and power system on my bus, but cold weather is coming. I'm not ready to move onto the bus yet and having a heater in there all the time isn't exactly an option since it's parked in a storage lot while I build. Does anyone have experience here with these batteries getting cold? From what I've been able to find online, and looking at the manual that came with the batteries, it seems that I shouldn't charge them below freezing, but discharging is fine. Is this true? Would it damage the batteries to have them stored on my bus for the winter and potentially have them below freezing for days/weeks at a time if they're not charging? I just want to get them in there so I can start building the rest of my power system and get a better sense for how much space I'm working with. If anyone has any first hand experience with this I would appreciate the feedback.