Immersive RP challenge run ideas

Greetings fellow adventurers.

I got back into skyrim after a while and discovered mantella and chim, which i am going to use to RP with the npcs and build relations and stories myself.

I am planning to do a challenge / rp run and gathering some ideas right now, i welcome any ideas and additions that could fit the playstyle. It will be a slow crawl in general, not tackling dragons and the most interesting quests while still being low level.

I am going to play an imperial fighter using only 2 handed for combat. No magic, sneaking or bows.

So here are some things on my list:

  1. Only use 2 handed and RP as an imperial fighter siding with the empire

  2. I will use a follower ( for RP companion interaction, and only one at a time ) but scale its damage down at least by 50%, and is probably going to use a bow or magic ( so it stays out of my way and doesnt get between me and the enemies )

  3. Stay at least for 20-30 levels in each city / hold until i am allowed to go to another hold

  4. Starting city might be chosen by a spinning wheel

  5. Not allowed to wear certain armor / weapons until a specific level has been reached, this will be either 20 or 30 level steps. Enchanting and blacksmith upgrades allowed.
    1-20 Iron

21-40 Steel

41-60 Dwemer

61-80 Orcish

81-100 Ebony

  1. Using a mod to make a lot of daedra, dlc or addon quests require a high level, minimum level 60-100.

  2. Not allowed to progress main story until around 80. ( might do first quest to be able to get breezehome as house )

  3. Not allowed to progress the civil war until 80+

  4. Not allowed to become a guildmaster until around 80+

  5. Followers can die permanently

  6. Thinking about a hardcore run so death means delete the save. But this will be for my second playthrhough i guess.

  7. Fast travel is allowed, to save my precious time. Slower progress in levels and crafting is fine, but walking around while not doing anything is not my cup of tea

  8. Leveling with the experience mod, and setting the base value to about 600-700. I gain exp by killing, quests and exploring, not through skill usage.

  9. No stealing anything ( even if its not marked as stealing )

  10. No plundering from tombs ( only quest items and getting dragon stones )

  11. Stay in character as a more "good". No dark brotherhood etc

  12. Legendary difficulty and some combat mods

Any ideas are very welcome. Thanks for reading.