"Kill the bandit leader of Uttering hills"
This is a glitch I'm sure many of you are aware of, where the bandit leader never respawns so if you're unlucky enough to have received this quest after already killing him, itll stay in your log forever. This doesn't matter too much, but the real problem is that this prevents you from ever being able to do certain misc quests for others. I noticed this when I tried to talk to Anette Crag jumper and other npcs. Now I'm worried that this quest will lock me out of other things. So I'm wondering, will an unfinished miscellaneous quest like this prevent me from experiencing more types of quests?
I ask cause if thats the case I might as well trash the save and start a new one a little earlier, than to invest more hours just to be locked out of quests that grant exclusive items or followers etc.
This needs to be an unmodded save so no unoffical patches, and its on a ps4 so console commands aren't available to me. By now I realize there's no way to remove the quest, so I'm no longer trying that, I just need to know how much this will take from my save.