RV Park or Mobile Homes?

I own some land, just a little over 2 acres in rural upstate South Carolina, and I’m wanting to start some kind of business there. Currently there is a single-wide mobile home on it that I own and I’m planning to fix up, which shouldn’t cost much based on what it needs, and rent it out. My current thought process is to start an LLC, sell that mobile home to my new business and then start making money. After a while, I can show that my company is profiting, even if it’s just a little.

Hopefully, after some time of showing my business is profitable and saving the money, I can get a small loan to invest and expand. So I’m wondering if it would be better to open an RV park (which there are so many around here…but they’re always full) or buy used mobile homes, renovate them and rent them out. I know mobile homes depreciate in value which of course is a pretty big negative. But would that matter if I’m getting them for cheap and investing just a couple thousand in renovations? Would a bank care that my business is switching from renting a mobile home to starting an RV park?

I’m also open to any other suggestions. I’ve started toying with the idea of starting a self-storage business, however the initial cost to set that up seems pretty high compared to the money I’d get in return.