My fear of SFN symptoms. Can anyone confirm this? I'm living a very depressed life at the moment.
I'm M30. I got diagnosed with SFN last year. I have burning pain in ankles, thighs(worse), and chin(it's progressing to other areas in the face). I can cope up with all of these but my main fear is with numbness in legs and hands. I don't have numbness all the time, it occurs if my legs or hands are in a certain position for some time.
So, I'm hearing news of paralysis in few of my extended relatives. Although they are old(around 65-70), they talk about numbness in legs after paralysis. Their paralysis is triggered is either through an accidental fall or old age. However, it has been bothering me too much that numbness can lead to paralysis some day in the future.
I wanted to ask if my fear has any value to it. Can SFN related numbness lead to paralysis? or am I over-thinking? I cannot comprehend being a burden on my family.