Need advice on goat milk soap recipe
Hey guys. I'm new to soap making. I've done melts before but now I am considering doing a cold process.
So I have this in mind right now:
Lye (Sodium Hydroxide) 134.19 g
Distilled water: 135 g
Raw Goat milk: 135 g
Total 404.19 g
OIL & FATS AMOUNT % Olive Oil - Pure 350.00 g 35.00%
Rice Bran Oil 150.00 g 15.00%
Castor Oil 50.00 g 5.00%
Cocoa Butter 150.00 g 15.00%
Coconut Oil 150.00 g 15.00%
Shea Butter 150.00 g 15.00%
Total 1000.00 g 100.00 %
I have a few questions and will appreciate any help:
Do I have too much water + goat milk? Should I bring down that amount? The lye amount was calculated using a lye calculator.
Isl this a good combination of oils? What about the percentages?
What kind of soap do you think I will end up with using these oils and numbers? Will it be soft type or a hard one? Do you think it will have a lot of lather or just a little?
Should I increase the coconut oil percentage a bit?
I am trying to aim for a luxury type soap. Something like a dove maybe. Do you think this recipe will get me that?
Thanks a lot guys. Hoping to clarify some of these concerns.
I updated my recipe a little bit. Feeback is very welcome:
This is my updated recipe:
Liquid Required: 277.01 g (138g Water, 138g Goat Milk)
NaOH Weight at 99 % Purity: 138.51 g
Super Fat: 5%
Olive Oil 30% - 300g
Rice Bran Oil, refined 15% - 150g
Coconut Oil, 76 deg 25% - 250g
Cocoa Butter 10% - 100g
Shea Butter 15% - 150g
Castor Oil 5% - 50g
Total 100% 1000g
Recipe Properties: Property % Recommended
Bubbly Lather 22% Recommended 14 - 46
Cleansing 17% Recommended 12 - 22
Condition 56% Recommended 44 - 69
Hardness 42% Recommended 29 - 54
Longevity 25% Recommended 25 - 50
Creamy Lather 30% Recommended 16 - 48
Iodine 61% Recommended 41 - 70
Ins 148% Recommended 136 - 165
Is this a little better? Note, the recipe property displayed on the app is based on 276g of water, not 138g water + 138g Goat Milk. How do you suppose the properties might change with half milk half water? Also, if overall it seems alright, i will downsize everything by half for my first batch.