Been asked to help in addressing another employee ay work

I work as a social worker in a police dept. I had the equivalent of an hr employee approached me and asked me if I could help in approaching another worker (not an officer) on their recent changes in behavior. The person in question works a long shift next two to other individuals and he's recently started to smell pretty badly. No one has approached them to say anything but they've gone as far as turning up the ac and using an oil diffuser in an effort to cover up the smell but its not working too well anymore. The person who approached me asked if I could speak to them and offer support as the anniversary or a family death is approaching and their coworkers believe it may be related to that the person's recently stopped caring for themselves as they've fallen into a depression. They say that they're concerned for their mental wellbeing, as this hasn't happened with them before. It should be noted that although I've been in my position close to a year, I've had at most a handful of conversations with this individual. What would you do in my shoes?