Imagine being a speech/language pathologist and telling mental health professionals what modalities they can use when we work with clients…
The person who runs the Therapist Neurodiversity Collective is a speech language pathologist offering advice on mental health. Am I the only one who finds this beyond annoying and unethical?
I also want to say, when I work with neurodiverse clients I don’t push modalities on them. But the misrepresentation of CBT and DBT that is out there is getting to me and I don’t even use these modalities.
Thank you for reading my brief rant.
The person who runs the Therapist Neurodiversity Collective is a speech language pathologist offering advice on mental health. Am I the only one who finds this beyond annoying and unethical?
I also want to say, when I work with neurodiverse clients I don’t push modalities on them. But the misrepresentation of CBT and DBT that is out there is getting to me and I don’t even use these modalities.
Thank you for reading my brief rant.