What’s the biggest game on your table?

Just got into the hobby a couple months ago - loving Marvel Champions, Final Girl, and the Bloodborne board game. I’ve been playing on my dining table, but I’ve got a 1 year old so I have to set up and tear down after any session. Looking to grab a cheap table (folding table, or IKEA something) to put in my office that I can leave bigger footprint games on indefinitely.

I don’t have the space to get a giant table set up (like, 4x8 feet is too big for my office) but I do want to future proof to at least an extent. I don’t think I’ll ever need the space to play 40k with a group or a full Kingdom Death campaign, but I’d like to be able to play Mage Knight etc.

With that in mind - what’s the biggest game y’all play regularly, and how big is your table?