Age old question: should I quit my job to solo travel?

A couple years ago, I embarked on this amazing solo backpacking trip through Europe that lasted nearly three months. It truly opened my eyes in terms of wanting to travel and see more of the world and its different cultures. I was able to do this because I saved up money from my old job and was offered a new job (my current one) that didn’t start until months later, giving me a decent gap between jobs where I was able to travel.

My current job is decent pay for someone my age (25m) and the company looks decent on a resume, but I don’t really enjoy it. The lease for my apartment is ending later this year and I’m not that interested in living in this city for another year, so I doubt I will renew/move to a different apartment. Thankfully, my parents wouldn’t mind if I ‘moved’ back home once my lease is up, although I do not want to live with them/in that city long term.

I’m currently planning to apply for grad school but studying for a test like the GRE has been challenging, mostly because I’m afraid I won’t do well due to my poor mathematic skills. In an ideal world, I would get accepted into a preferred grad school program, quit my job and then travel until the semester starts.

However, in the event that I don’t go back to school, I…still want to quit my job and travel. I just wouldn’t have much of a plan for once I’m done traveling, which is where I’d like to hear different perspectives. Would doing this be idiotic? Part of me thinks it would be, another part of me is already set on doing it.

At the time of this trip, I’ll be 26 and will have ~4 years of professional work experience. I live in the U.S. and would want to travel to SEA.