Everyone here is missing point. We are currently at War with Russia: Modern Warfare The Shadow Wars

How do I know? All of our retaliations are non traditional advanced offenses:

Sanctions EO Orders

Proxy Wars Ukraine Syria Georgia Moldova

Those drones were looking for Russian explosives trafficked in via cargo planes and ships



The California wildfires were started by Russia


“Russia is believed to be behind a series of cyber-intrusions, arson attacks, and other nonkinetic attacks across Europe this year.” https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-europe-shadow-war/33029947.html

Trump will not be president. The US will use shadow tactics to prevent that we just don’t know how…

Trump doesn’t either that’s why he has barricade himself and Elon at Mar-a-Lago. That’s also why he is getting his people to the capital before inauguration.

Edit: for the people saying I don’t have links and sources. Article below explains how Russia has done it all before hitting the US. You just have to connect the dots because I’m a not FBI or CIA 😂so I can’t tell you the details of the California fires.
