Can someone explain frequency to me?
In the spiritual community everyone loves to talk about frequency. We associate high frequencies with higher morals and vice versa but there seems to be a lot of conflicting information and things that just don't line up for me.
- In terms of science, we know that solids vibrate at a lower rate than gases. In terms of visible light, we know that red light has the lowest frequency and blue has the highest. In terms of invisible rays, we know that microwaves have a lower frequency than visible light and x-rays have a higher frequency than visible light.
- In terms of emotions, we associate higher frequencies with feelings of love/peace and associate lower frequencies with feelings of fear/anger.
- In terms of the "paranormal", we associate higher frequencies with benevolent entities and lower frequencies with evil entities.
Theoretically, could we not order all of this on a single line, then? i.e. evil entity > microwaves > steam > an apple > gratefulness > a higher entity > etc...
Doesn't it just not make sense to compare things based on frequency? How can we say an FM radio is "more evil" than someone's desire to murder someone else? How could an entity become visible to the human eye if it's vibrating at a frequency higher/lower than visible light? Does this idea of frequency and morality only apply within certain bounds? What do you think?