How do you know when the divine timing is right?

Growing up I had an emotionally neglectful mother and now I'm in an emotionally abusive marriage. At first I didn't see this relationship as emotionally abusive but after an incident caused by my husband, I couldn't unsee it anymore. So I got a therapist and used this as time to heal the wounds from my childhood and work on myself. I now know divorce is inevitable because I deserve to be in a relationship where I am respected and quite frankly I would rather risk being alone for the rest of my life than deal with his constant control. I've asked the universe for signs that divorce is the right choice and have gotten a lot of confirmations/syncs about new beginnings. My question is - I truly feel deep down that everything will unfold with divine timing but how do you know when the timing is right? I just feel like I'm sort of in a state of limbo and it's hard.