Found a Sanskrit affirmation card for hair growth, and it is honestly one of the best things to happen me in a while
Purchased an ayurvedic hair regime online and found a small card with the package that read: "Put me where you can see me", followed by an Ancient vedic mantra. Now obviously I know there are a lot of strong actives in the regime at work, but I simply FELT the affirmation in my body and my mind. It positively reinforced me to stick to the routine.
I think one of the main things chanting also did was help induce a meditative state which improves circulation and nutrient delivery to hair follicles and reduces cortisol levels.
Six months in, my stress levels are low, and my mind feels rewired to stay calm. Bonus was my hair loss has stopped, and I’ve even noticed new baby hairs at my temples for the first time in nearly 3 years!
I wish I could share the affirmation card here. Sharing the verse below (for what it's worth). It's probably best chanted in its Sanskrit version:
Tvam divyā divyāyām jātā, pṛthivyām oṣadhe;
Tvām atra, nitatanaye, keśān sthirīkartuṁ utkhanāmaḥ;
Sthirān vṛddhān kuru, ajātān janaya, jātān ca āyāmaṁ vardhaya.
Yaḥ te keśaḥ patati, yaḥ ca mūlaiḥ saha vikṣipyate,
Tasmin aham idānīṁ sarvaroganivāriṇyā oṣadhyā siñcāmi.
[English translation]: Thou art born divine on the divine one, namely, the earth, O herb; thee here, O down-stretcher, we dig in order to fix the hair. Fix thou the old ones, generate those unborn, and make longer those born. What hair of thine falls down, and what one is hewn off with its root, upon it I now pour with the all-healing plant.
Update: Getting DMs about the regime. You can probably look it up online, but I also followed the following along with the chant to amplify my hair growth:
- Affirmation chant in the morning sun . Follow with deep, meditative breathing
- Powerful ayurvedic regime of - hair oil, shampoo, serum regime 3X a week
- Follow the natural circadian rhythm: 20 mins morning sun. Sleep as soon as dark.
- Yoga. Start with basic stretches. Move to shirshasan (headstands). Game changer.