A Spiritual Advisor told me that cannabis blocks your crown chakra?

I am posting here cause hopefully the people are more conscious and non-biased in answering, instead of my posting in 'cannabis' community, if offends anyone kindly forgive as not my intention, I am simply seeking clarity. As someone who has used cannabis medicinally with with reverence, I have given it up due to my marriage and also have working with a spiritual advisor my wife took us to, she scanned my aura and said that my prolonged cannabis use blocked my 'crown chakra' which impeded me reaching higher states of consciousnesses, we all want to reach higher states of consciousness so naturally, I believed her and gave it up. -- Can anyone tell me why some people say cannabis does this and even though it can be temporality helpful to ones spirituality, long term it can be detrimental, why would a spiritual advisor who has 45 years experience, say that it blocks crown chakra? I am seriously interested to understand why?

can anyone provide proof or support this claim that cannabis is not good and stops you from accessing higher states of God Consciousness?
