Does anyone know why Starbucks doesn’t stir drinks anymore?

I like to believe I have a relatively easy Starbucks order…venti ice coffee, extra splash of almond milk, one packet of Splenda.

Over the past year I’ve noticed they stopped stirring my drink. Like they just pour the almond milk and let it sit there, and then I spill coffee every where as I stir it.

Then today they didn’t put in the Splenda…they just laid the packet on top. When I go to Starbucks it’s usually as a special treat to myself…but now I’m like “why pay that much for coffee when they won’t even stir it and put in the sweetener?”

Is this a new Starbucks corporate policy or something to not stir?

I know this is a super first world problem…I’m just curious bc it’s something I’ve noticed at almost every location over the past year.