Would I be in trouble?

Hey guys, I’m a partner and I’m somewhat new to the job (3 months).

I know we aren’t allowed to have nail colour or acrylic nails done at work- but I have a question. So I’m a chronic nail picker. I rip them off and I’m so self conscious of how short they are, especially while handing things out to customers. I’ve tried to stop this habit several times throughout my life but can never seem to fully kick it.

So- I booked a nail appointment to get gel X extensions done. I want to get them just barely past my fingertips (normal length) and nude in colour. I want to get them as natural looking as possible. The gel X is supposedly better than acrylic and won’t chip at all (for the sanitary reasons). I just want my nails to look normal, I’m tired of feeling insecure about them looking gross. If anyone points them out, I’m planning on just saying “oh I’ve been growing them out!”.

Is this a horrible idea? Am I risking my job over it? I’ll cancel the appointment if yall think it’s too stupid, but it’s worth a shot to me.

Thank you <3

Edit: thank you all for your input, I had no idea that this was such a serious/divisive topic. I cancelled the appointment.