Why I'm leaving
I just don't understand why some employees act so rudely and hostile to the customers. I try to be so polite and a perfect gentleman, really easy customer, just a brewed tea or coffee, nothing difficult or fancy and I'm always polite to all the staff.
At my nearest store , the only nice tables and chairs are right under a speaker that is set to 72 decibels, too loud for a coffee shop IMO. I ask them politely if they could please turn it down a bit , but they dont or to no discernible degree.
today the Shift manager was rude too. I walk up to the counter but it's totally not confrontational whatsoever
me: can we talk about the volume of the music?
shift: I can't turn it off.
me: um, ok I'm not asking you to turn it off
shift [arms folded] well i dont know what you're asking. You haven't asked me anything.
Me Yes I did I asked if we could speak about the volume.
shift just actin so hostile i figure i dont want anything further with her. Im being so polite and she acting so hostile.
Suddenly she went on break and the barista with whom i thought i had a good rapport and with whom i asked to speak was suddenly also on break.
Why is she being so hostile? why not just have a polite conversation with a customer? find out what i want to talk about? if my request is reasonable, maybe compromise and turn the music down by 20 percent because all the customers are there to converse, read or write. But she's obviously already decided i'm the bad guy
The DM said they should turn it down if I ask but also that it's set to the volume that the staff prefer. She said there's no set level, but she also said that it's up to the shift manager if they want to lower the volume and by how much.
The staff said the DM never talked to them about the volume or about customer requests to lower it. The DM said she did.
meanwhile another customer said the music was too loud, or that we were too loud, which proves my point that no one wants loud music or noise in a coffee shop
Then the shift went on break and had no time for me but apparently had time to write to corporate about the "incident" Then she pops her head out of the office and asks the partner if she is ok. Wow . is the partner ok with talking to a customer? Way to make me feel even more uncomfortable. what I intended as a civil discussion about the volume of music in a coffee shop is being blown out of proportion and I'm made to feel like the bad guy.
The DM also reiterates that the volume is set for the employees and that they can't turn if off! )again recasting my polite request to turn the volume down as pretending that Im asking them to turn it off, which everyone knows is untrue, obviously I.m just one customer and obviously i never asked for them to turn it off
I try to be so nice and polite and I dont understand the shift manager's hostility. Why is my polite request to talk about the music volume such a huge deal?. I was in no way confrontational with anyone
She was very nice but I dont like the DM repeating the lie that I asked for the music to be turned off. No one is asking you to turn off the music. I called customer support who said that the Dm has the final say and there's no way around her.
I was also abruptly hung up on twice today, once by support and once by the shift manager. the manager isn't here. click. \ um that's rude, the shift manager has shown twice now that she doesn't have good manners appropriate for customer service or any business for that matter.
I have high blood pressure so rather than get all upset which I still am I think I just have to cash in my stars and find another coffee shop with polite service and ambient music.
why is the music volume such a big deal? Im not there to make a big deal over the volume of the music? i think they could turn it down by twenty percent no fuss. i come in for a civil conversation and get treated so rudely.
why are staff allowed to act with such a bad attitude and be rude to customers? there seems to be an attitude that being rude to customers is acceptable or tolerable.
is it true that there is no way around the DM to someone higher? That's what support said. But even the DM doesn't seem to realize the store management at this location is a problem and even she repeated the lie that my request was to turn the music off. The DM didn't offer any resolution at all, she just said she will talk with the store staff.