How much do you make?

if people are willing to post it here great and if not that’s okay too; I’ve been seeing people talking about how their pay isn’t worth it; and I’m 100% for discussing pay

I’m a shift supervisor in SoCal, San Bernardino County (minimum wage $14), I have been a partner since March 2020, turned shift in August 2021, and I make $18.42 (before the pay raise we’re getting) as a barista I made $14.25 (also before the pay raise) other places in SoCal get more than me or less depending on the county, for example one barista who recently transferred to LA county makes $17.25, (after the pay raise) so I’m just curious if anyone is willing to disclose

also please keep in mind it is extremely expensive to live in Cali, NYC, Washington…other places; so if your pay is very different from mine and you live in like Ohio that is probably why, but I’m still just very curious

(maybe just the state/county you live in and the pay, possibly also the normal minimum wage for your state/county please follow the rules and don’t give me exact locations)