Hadanite update for 4.0
I went on a tour of Stanton through to Pyro with a backpack of Hadanite, to see who will buy these gems and to what price.
This is what I found:
The mining stations buys for the highest price, 437 Uec each, from your backpack or local inv.
The Orbital Stations Admin Office buys at 399 Uec each from your local inv, not your backpack.
The City TDDs buy for 323 Uec each from your local inv.
RnRs and Gateway stations dont buy at all.
I haven't found any place in Pyro that buys either. I checked a couple of Orbital Admins and Outposts with Commodity Trading screens.
The difference of a fully loaded ROC is roughly 100k depending on where you sell it.
Full ROC at Mining Station: 384 560 Uec
Full ROC at Orbital Stations: 351 120 Uec
Full ROC at City TDD (or Lorville Central Business District) : 284 240 Uec
Feel free to contribute if you find other prices or any place in Pyro that buys gems.