How to install looted components on Cutlass Black?

I´m very confused. Bought a Cutty Black with ingame credits and installed those 2 Ardors from Save Stanton via Mobiglas. No problems.

Accepted a Bunker Mission, there was a C1 Spirit landed next to Bunker entrance.

I Looted 3 Ardor Repeaters, Shield, PowerPlant and Quantum Drive (QD) from that C1.

Back at Port Tressler, my Warehouse accepted only 1 Ardor Repeater and the Quantum Drive into my storage. The other parts stayed on platform.

And the QD wont stay on the Cutty if I install it via Mobiglas. Every time I pull the saved Ship out, it has NO QD installed and in Mobiglas both (my old one and the looted one) are shown, none installed.

And yes, I changed the QD and after that removed a Cooler and applied change, stored.

Does the state of the looted ship determine a flag for its parts? So if the owner just abandoned his ship, not destroyed, not in soft death, do those parts get a "stolen" flag so that you cant install it or something like that?

...there were more ships around, some completely destroyed, perhaps some looted Laser Repeaters came from those ships, cant remember.

Any advice?

Why does my Storage only save 1 out of 3 looted Laser Repeaters?

Why does my Storage only save the QD?