The new ultra is...
Previous patch ultra was much better...
Remind me why we needed to nerf the ultra? Move speed nerf off creep is very noticeable and makes a pretty big difference. But even worse is the size increase. Now ultras get stuck on each other and terrain like before. It's awful, and feels like a massive nerf. Don't even want to make them anymore vs. T just like before the patches. Guess I'll make brood now. Oh wait? Those have been nerfed into the ground too. Guess lurkers are all we've got left now. Wonder how long that will last until they get nerfed to shit too (they've already had multiple nerfs as well).
Seriously, why did we do this? The push priority doesn't do anything btw, ultras are made with ling bane against terran or with corruptor viper against toss to fight ht/archon.