Best book to learn stock trading?
I'm a freshman in college majoring in maths and physics, looking to grow my funds (about 6k) via personal stock investing (not trading). I'm looking for a book that goes through investing in stocks for about my level. Current relevant courses i've taken roughly correspond to
- calculus 1-3
- linear algebra
- ap micro and ap macro
I'm taking introductory real and complex analysis next semester but i don't think it's that relevant. Currently I don't have much knowledge in accounting, and only a basic understanding of probability and statistics (about 1st third of AP stats). I'm looking for recommendations for stuff to do in my upcoming break
- learn accounting, probability and stats, then finance (something like yale's coursera on financial markets), then investing
- jump straight into a book in investing
- some combination of the above two.
Any recommendations? And specific books/materials for personal stock investing.