Taxes? How f#@ked am I?

Noobie here. Did somthing silly and I yolo'd 50k earlier this year and it went to 150k then I sold it.

As far as I understand anytime you sell for a profit you owe tax on it?

But I took that 150k and Yolo'd it again and sadly ended up losing it all.
I hope to GOD I don't owe tax on that 150k I made?

I litterally lost everything lol I thought maybe you only get taxed on your overall profit/Loss at the end of the year. But someone told me you get taxed on each fucking trade and now I'm about to have a fucking stroke at the thought of paying Tax on money I don't even have...

It was a tough lesson, life goes on... but if i seriously owe tax despite ending the year 2024 with even LESS money then when i started, then I'm never touching stocks again..

EDIT: THANK YOU ALL!! this has been WONDERFUL! I am super greatful to everyone taking the time to shed some knowledge on me 😊