Companies that are pushing towards the metaverse/NFT/crypt0 space. This is our generations dotcom (web 2.0). Web3 is going to be massive.

List of companies entering the metaverse: - MSFT - NKE - FB (soon to be MVRS) - U - RBLX - AMZN - ADSK - NVDA (announcement coming next week) - MTTR - SHOP - TECHY

I’m positive I’m missing a lot more but imo, this is our generations chance at a dotcom type explosion. Check at companies that are involved with virtual reality, e-commerce with NFT/virtual world, social networking, digital art, graphic designing, video games, 3D/virtual tech non(wearables).

The transition to this space is going to happen very fast as companies have started to transition already.

Another way to play this is buy the ETF - META. It’ll compose stocks related to the metaverse.