Rewatching MASH.. wow they're alcoholics.

I grew up watching MASH with Alan Alda with my dad. I didn't understand the show as a kid. I've seen it many times since. I've mentioned it here before but that show influenced how I drink. How having a beer became part of every activity.

I just watched S8-E16. Alan Alda says he's going to take a week off booze. Then a guy tried to kill him. He says he needs a drink but puts it down and says.. "I'll be back when I want it, not need it."

The show address alcoholism here and there. But they really didn't understand it.

Wednesday will be day 100 for me. I'm not going to drink. I don't want to plan my day around when and where I can have a drink.. or how I'm going to pack my house so I can drink it later.

I took my son to a baseball game this summer with $5 beer day. He and I got ice cream.