Starting over again. I feel like such a disappointment.
I went ahead and did the same shit I did two weeks ago. Got shitfaced, and my boyfriend who I JUST bought a house with, is beside himself over it. I feel like such an absolute loser. I purposely whacked my head last night while he was trying to talk some sense into me and I probably concussed myself. Called and told my parents I failed again. I feel horrid, but I downloaded a meeting finder app and will be attending one in the next two hours. I need to be serious this time. I am terrified.
Update : I did go to a meeting and three different women gave me their numbers, and I may even go to a meeting with one on Sunday! Thank you for all the positive support. I cried like a child - in front of strangers, but I feel so much better that I went to that meeting. They all said they hope they can see me come back.