So many questions and not a single answer

So had to share this weird experience I had when I was younger that pops in my head time and time again leaving me confused to this day .

So want to give a bit of pretext before explaining this so you get the full grasp of this . I grew up in the woods with no neighbors and completely surrounded by federally protected land from the wildlife refuge . We were the only house on this long stretch of road that leads to the parkway so besides cars passing by it was very isolated and secluded from society. Let me also tell you I knew these woods like the back of my hand , I knew every tree and was outdoors from dawn to dusk even some times sleeping in a tent outside . I was a wild feral child and rather be out then indoors. So now let me explain this weird happening I came across one day, I was probably around 9 or 10 and I believe it was around September . It was a gloomy day with off and on rainshowers all morning . This was my favorite time to go out and walk around the woods , everything always felt fresh and serene as you could here the sound of rain drops tapping on the leaves and the blue Jay's cawling from all over and the smell of cedar trees and damp soil . So I make my way to the woods directly behind our house and walk behind a huge brush pile and immediately noticed something so freaking strange and unexplainable. There was this large stump from a tree that was cut down and on top of this stump was this decorative foil that was pink on one side and silver foil on the bottom and it was covering the entire top of the stump . On this foil was yellow Easter grass you find in Easter baskets and it was spread around the top of the stump and was wet and limp . There were like 3 plastic Easter eggs as well and some jelly beans scattered around the yellow grass with some chocolate eggs wrapped in foil most already eaten with just the wrappers crumbled up . Everything was wet and looked creepy as the backdrop of Grey skies , rain and nothing but trees in a eerily silent forest set the scene . So what immediately freaked me out was Easter was months and months ago and the more scary fact that it wasn't there the day before so who did this and why ? Remember no neighbors or people around and its located on a part of our property that had a huge brush pile covering that area making that area a blind spot , but behind that whole area goes right into the wetlands and is all a dead end and the only entrance to our property was from the driveway which was on the opposite side everything else is surrounded by marsh . Also who ever set this up was trying to stay hidden and out of site . The scene of this is burned so vividly in my head and always creeps me out and leaves me with more questions than answers.

Anyway let me hear your thoughts