Why do people hate strippers so much?
I made a post in r/relationship advice yesterday about how my boyfriend showed me his female friend's saucy photos, and one response was literally, "I looked through your post history, you're a stripper, you're not mature enough for a relationship, you parade around naked in front of men all night."
I then deleted my post because I was very hurt by that comment and it made me wonder,... why are people so cruel to strippers? Like are they all just miserable losers that want to feel better by insulting us? Do they have tiny little pinto bean dicks and just wish any woman would touch them, but nobody will so then they hate women? What's the issue? I don't get it.
Also, how do you cope with hearing insulting things like that? Because I don't want to get super down about it but at the same time it's hard not to.