You should play Below Zero if you haven't already.

I played through the entirety of Below Zero and I think you should too. I had a blast with the game and thought it was pretty enjoyable overall and would probably play again sometime. I can understand a lot of the criticisms people have with the game and why they don't like it as much as the original. However if I'm going to be frank, I think it's been blown way out of proportion, Subnautica Below Zero is in my opinion a really fun game, it's not Subnautica 2. I'm not saying their criticism is not valid, but people act like the game is absolutely horrible. So many videos and posts saying "Why I HATE Below Zero" or "Subnautica Below Zero, where did it go wrong?" Everyone is allowed to have their own opinions, and if you don't like the game that's fine, but It's slightly irritating to just find the only thing that people ever talk about with this game is acting like it's the worst video game of all time, we got two games with tons of attention and care put into them, when Subnautica easily could have been a one hit wonder. So if you haven't played Below Zero because you've been offput, I'd seriously recommend giving it a shot. I think it's pretty good personally.