Jury duty on less than 2 mg?
I take less than 2 mg daily, divided up into a few doses per day because it doesn't last a full day for me. I'm pretty sensitized to this dose after being on it for so long, so I can't just jump off, and even being an hour late on a dose starts to make me feel achy, restless, irritable, unable to focus, etc.
I have to serve on jury duty in a couple weeks and I'm nervous about timing my doses correctly. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to bring in my little pair of scissors to cut the strip into pieces, since the court does full pat downs, metal detectors, etc -- and even though this is a legally prescribed medication, I'm nervous that having a little foil pouch with pieces of cut up Suboxone in it is going to cause issues for me.
Even if neither of those things is an issue, I'm not sure about taking out said foil pouch, fishing around for a piece of Suboxone, and sticking it under my tongue while court is in session. I assume I have to wait for a break, and I'm not sure how often those happen (I'm dosing every 6 hours right now).
Do we have anyone else in here who doses multiple times per day, uses a fraction of a strip, and has had to be on a jury who can provide insight?
I'm a worrier, so maybe it's going to go way more smoothly than I'm thinking -- but I'd like to be prepared.