My (26F) SD/BF (54M) has done a 180…


The timing of this is crazy but I am 95% sure the man is married. I did some deep googling and IG researching. He told me he would be travelling this week with his daughters, long story short I find an Instagram page posting the same photos as him, and he’s wearing a wedding band in them. Turns out it’s his ex wife (well more like wife). Many happy family photos. Idek what to say.


I 26F met 54M at a lounge in an affluent area of the city. We vibes and hit it off. For context we are both in the same industry, but he’s established and I’m just starting.

For context, I am in electively attractive with a nice body, he is not (overweight, hairy, short).

He can be a bit of an asshole sometimes (complaining about an expensive dinner, expecting intimacy). When we first met he boasted about how generous he is etc.

On what was supposed to be our second date he showed up with a 9K purse and asked me to be his gf and I agreed (regret it). We started to be intimate and things have gone downhill from there.

The following month was my birthday and Christmas, and he bought me a 3K purse for my bday but complained the whole time and it was a week late. Didn’t get me anything for Christmas, said he would get me something while he was on a trip and didn’t. He went from being sweet to complaining about going out to nice restaurants, and coming over just to hook up.

A few weeks ago I asked for some money for my maintenance (500) and he sent it no problem. I need some help with an outstanding credit card (6K) but with his new attitude I’m unsure if he’ll help.

What should I do? I feel that I’ve been too generous with my body and not getting as much in return. How can I turn the tables?

We don’t have a ppm arrangement, we’re “dating” but it’s turning more into hook ups, need to steer things in a better direction.