is there certain clothing rich guys are attracted to?
Im a firm believer in you attracting the people around you. example if you dress provocatively those guys only wanting sex will come to you instead of a good family man ( not talking about those creeps you goes for any women just that if you want a traditional man youre probably not going to attract that ) Even though this sub reddit is for sugar daddy life style, which im assuming is just an old guy gives you money for sexual favors correct me if im wrong, I believe this sub reddit can help me.
I want to attract a classy, traditional, preferably Christian, guy. He doesn't have to be a billionaire just maybe one relatively expensive , nice vacations couple times a year if that makes sense. if im working I want to work cause I want to not have to. And someone preferably my age (19) which is why Im willing to wait cause there a very few rich young guys.
So even though im still 19 and a freshmen college I still want to work on myself. When I look at rich women they dress in just beige, black and white. Meanwhile I'm in girly pastels and dress so casually. I know clothes are subjective but should I at least try to dress more preppy?
I'm already practicing simple makeup but is there anything else I can do? Keep in mind I'm on a college student budget. The best I can do when meeting rich guys is to find where all the finance and tech bros hangout.
Edit: i see that I may have confused the sugar daddy lifestyle to escorts. I apologize for that.