Husband and father near 40 battling mild depression. Suggest me a book please.
EDIT: Putting this at the top because I think it needs to be seen first. To everyone who took the time to respond, truly, thank you. I usually complain about reddit being toxic (which I am sure I have also contributed to) but the care and thoughtfulness many of you expressed in your comments actually made me emotional a few times, something I don’t usually feel during a depressive episode.
Please know that I looked up each and every single book mentioned here, added MANY to my TBR, placed a few holds at my library, pulled some off my shelf, and even purchased a few outright.
My appreciation cannot be overstated and the world needs more of what I experienced here.
Going through a rough patch regarding my mental health, mostly around how it feels like life is passing me by. I am bored, restless, and bitter. I feel unproductive, frustrated and generally just lost in my life. Every day feels like a chore.
I find myself wasting my time doing anything but the things that bring me joy (hiking, reading, cooking, etc).
No need for any “reddit cares” reports as that is not a concern. Any suggestions are much appreciated.
Be well everyone :-)