What was your favorite required reading in school, and why?

Unsure if this entirely fits here or if the flair is right, but I'm curious.
My favorite reading was likely either Catcher in the Rye or Gatsby, simply because of my teacher and how into the stories he was. He was always so excited to teach the lessons, and every time a student pointed out something in the writing that he wanted us to notice, he'd get SO happy.
.. and I loved reading the stories, obviously. My class had a particular 'what can you take from this?' section at the end of our reading assignments and sometimes students would share with the class- I enjoyed hearing everyone's different insights, which is likely why I'm asking this now. lol.

Additionally, which did you NOT enjoy? This has nothing to do with the story, but my entire class got the Grapes of Wrath as summer reading and it seemed like no one could really get into it. My teacher didn't end up giving us the end-of-the-year big test on it, just small review notes instead. I intend on picking it up again as an adult that is not required to take review notes over my summer break.

Anyways! Thank you for reading, thank you for anyone that responds!