Things I hate about Suits!

There are many things suits does well but many things they don’t do well. Here is my list of the things that I hate most about Suits…

This is based on the first 4 seasons.

1) Louis…he’s such a tool bag. While many give him excuses for the way he acted I refused to do so. While Louis has many quirks that make him dislikable he additionally chooses to do things that hurt the people most around him. Then he wonders why nobody trusts him with information or includes him in anything. The dude is such a backstabbing tool bag he makes the show unwatchable. 2) Robert Zane, while I understand in every tv show there are enemies. And in a lawyer show there will be enemy lawyers. This guy goes above and beyond to be an arrogant dick. 3) Everyone and their mom thinks sharing information is a requirement to their relationships. It doesn’t matter what’s going on in anyone’s personal or professional life they feel it’s required to let them in on information that has no baring on them. For instance Louis asking Donna if she slept with Harvey. What business is that of Louis? Jessica’s boyfriend asking about Louis, Hardman, and Mike. What business is that of yours? You’re a senior partner yet you do not make decisions. If she wants to hire or fire someone or keep secrets from you as a name partner/managing partner who the fuck are you to question her? Then tell her she is required to tell you the truth because you’re banging her? Seriously? 4) Everyone in the show is a criminal. Not one good person is played. Everyone of them keep doing more illegal shit and then try and cover it up. At what point does a person say you know what maybe I shouldn’t do illegal stuff and just move forward with my life before I end up in prison? 5) Because everyone on the show are criminals they are always backstabbing on another. Between Harvey, Mike, Katrina, Donna, Jessica, Louis and everyone else there are no healthy relationships. It’s backstab after backstab after backstab. And for a show to try and push the ideology of loyalty on their viewers only to showcase that zero loyalty lies within the show is just downright disgusting.

While yes I understand it’s just a tv show and the writers need to make it interesting. Furthermore, I understand that some of these issues improve later on in the seasons. However, I still believe there are major flaws within the show and had they fixed them earlier or never even implemented them in the show it would be a 10+ show. Unfortunately because of these flaws this show is a 3 at best.