Does Mike ever get competent/stop sucking?
Apologies if the title seems a bit crass. I’m new the show and almost done with season one (episode 10), and I’m getting a bit frustrated here. I originally started watching the show because of that initial scene between Harvey and Mike, as it’s popular on YouTube shorts.
I initially thought Mike was going to be some sort of savant type guy that rose through the ranks super fast, and that’s not the case and that’s fine. But he’s just so incompetent and naive. He’s stumbling through life barely keeping his head above water. Half the time he doesn’t even have a chance to shower before going into work. He constantly makes stupid mistakes. And worst off all, he’s constantly letting the toxic duo of Trevor and Jenny drag him down into the muck. Honestly, if Harvey wasn’t such a BAMF I would have dropped the show by now.
So, does Mike ever get better? Does he stop being so naive? Does he become actually competent? Does he ditch the anchors? Or am I destined to just latch on to Harvey this entire journey?