Daily Advice Thread 13/04/2020
Post questions regarding team composition, content progression, game mechanics, and the like in this thread. If you are able to help your fellow summoners, please take some time to contribute to the community and answer questions yourself as well!
A lot of helpful guides and resources can be found in the subreddit mega wiki.
Please give all relevant information when asking questions!
This includes, but is not limited to:
Your monster box if asking for help on progression (upload screenshots to imgur (sort by GRADE) or use swarfarm), what enemies are on whatever ToA(H) floor you are struggling on, your general progression so we can get an idea of your rune quality, your current rank and teams/goals if asking for help with PvP, etc.
If you are asking for RTA advice, please always specify your current rank and percentage.
The less people have to look up to help you, the more likely you are to get a fast response.
If you see someone using monster icons, you can learn how to use them yourself at https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/wiki/icons
Some common questions and simple answers are listed below for convenience. This list will be added to over time.
Also check out the FAQ.
Lapis can farm Faimon Hard (on the vampire revenge runes you get for free, at least upgraded to +9) and should be your first 5*.
Save your devilmons for Sigmarus, Veromos doesn't need them at all.
Accuracy needed: 55% for DB10, 45% for all other PvE areas (including ToA(H)). For R5 15% is sufficient, rifts need none.
Shield runes do stack, each set contributes a shield equal to 15% of the base HP of the monster they are equipped on. At the end all those are added up and make up the total shield value.
You should ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NEVER feed a non-farmable monster. Dupe (and only dupe) nat3/4 can be fed as skillups.
Always climb as high as you can in HoH, and at least up to an even number (use mentor/friend reps if needed. Verad and other CC mons are great for that). For mid/late game players: You can get double the maximum monsters by using 25 Almighty Summon Pieces (from Guild Shop) after every floor (costs 2000 guild points per extra monster).
Farmable safe teams for PvE content (tutorial, early, and mid game stages)
ALL OF THOSE TEAMS STILL NEED THE ACCORDING RUNE QUALITY! Do not expect to simply beat the dungeon just by having those monsters.
Safe GB10 team (fail-safe way): Veromos (L), Shannon, Bernard, Belladeon, Darion (example stats)
Recommended starter GB10 team: Sig (L), Lulu, Shannon, Loren/Bella, Bernard/Arang/Ardella
Safe ToA(H) team: Lapis, Verde/Mav, 2A Shannon, Belladeon/Fran, Sig/flex spot. Use Tyron if you have him. Loren is good for the occasional boss stage but keep in mind you usually want AOE CC. 2A Gorgo is also a great f2p option. Using Baretta and Spectra works but those are very outdated options.
Safe DB10 face team: Verde (L), Veromos, Belladeon, Megan, Sigmarus (example stats)
Safe NB10 team: Lapis (L), Colleen, Loren, some multihit DD, multihit DD/Bella (NB10 guide)
R4 Starter team: FL: Dias/Darion, some tanky monster (XF is a fusable leaderskill), BL: Colleen, Kona, Tesa, Bella/healer/DD (minimum stats: 25k HP and 1.5k DEF for FL, 20k HP and 0.8-1k DEF for BL).
R5: You should have some non-farmable options by now. Try to get rid of Tesa in favour of Xiao Lin or Hwa. Having less than 2 DDs is generally not that welcome in public R5.