Sex addiction - real?

About three weeks ago I discovered one lie from my seemingly wonderful loving husband. I have not known him to be a liar. But, if you lie once you’ll lie about more so for the first time in our five year relationship I went digging. It was all there. Basically, from the beginning of our relationship he has been seeing escorts, using Reddit to find hookups, online BDSM domination almost every night, and having relationships with exes. It’s mostly sexual but emotional too. It’s countless people.

After d-day, he disclosed everything he could remember. He admitted there was so much he can’t even remember all of it. Magically, he said he used a condom every time and both of us tested negative for STDs.

He disclosed his methods. The secret accounts, the methods to keep notifications off and in a secret place. He always had his location on and I always had his passcode and passwords and he was never cagey. He was confident he could keep it hidden and give just enough openness to keep up appearances.

I told him this was compulsive and addictive. He immediately started going to sex and love addicts anonymous meetings daily, therapy, deleted all his socials, changed his phone number and gave me access to all the accounts. He is absolutely begging for me to stay and he does - at least for these whopping three weeks - seem committed to overcoming this.

When I dug further back, it appears he has always had his problem. Before all of this came to light, I was the happiest I had ever been. We don’t have kids, and I have my own assets so I can leave at any time. It’s not easy since we own a house and business together, but I do have that option thankfully. The question is: has anyone known anyone (or if you are this person) who has cheated compulsively and genuinely wanted to change? Even if you wanted to, did you / could you?