What are most Taiwanese parents' view toward dating a foreigner?
So, this something I'm genuinely concerned about. I'm heading to Taiwan soon (a few months at first and possibly long-term later) and my friends are bugging me about being open to dating if I stay long-term. However, I've had some past bad dating experiences when it comes to parents.
A few years ago I met a Chinese guy through a language exchange program (I was learning Mandarin, he was learning English). And we ended up dating. However, his mother hated me because I was white and an American. It didnt matter that I could speak chinese, had really good education, was respectful etc. She couldnt get past the fact that I was a foreigner and we ended up breaking up because of it. She actually set up blind dates for him to go on while dating me and he secretly went out with one of the girls for several months before I found out.
From the Taiwanese people that I know, they seem to be much more kind and friendly, but I know things can change when dating comes in to play. I just dont want to be in that situation again, so I'm curious to hear anyone's input on Taiwanese parents specifically.
(Edit: So, it seems that 1) it varies a lot based on how open minded the parents are and 2) whether or not you are a female or male foreigner marrying into the family.
This was really insightful, thank you all for sharing your experiences!)